Ginny Grayson and Perceptual Drawing

"Looking Down on the Self," Ginny Grayson The Veils of Perception Although I have worked with a variety of methods and mediums, from works on paper to video/performance, it is the activity of drawing itself that is the most compelling for me and is the central basis from which my practice unfolds. Drawing has long been thought of as the process most suited to giving form to ideas and expressing the internal workings of the imagination and the body, due to its immediacy of touch. This tactile seismographic directness is what attracts me to it as a primary source of communication. At its essence my work endeavours to relate to the viewer from a personal level the ‘actuality’ of experience itself. It is ‘how’ the work is imaged and made that is most significant to its reading. Perceptual/observational drawing is especially engaging for me – encompassing memory, time, emotion and a high level of concentration. it absorbs, frustrates, excites, terrifies, exhausts and humbles. I o...