
Showing posts from April, 2008

Visiting Artists: Lee Bauchsbaum & Daniel Overturf - Working in the Seams

Working In the Seams: An Initial Photographic View into the African-American Coal Culture of Southern Illinois, an exhibition comprised of original photographs and text that discusses the history of Black coal miners in Southern Illinois will be on exhibit in the Visual Arts Gallery April 11-May 9, 2008 with a public reception on Wednesday, April 16, from 6-8 p.m. Working in several historic African-American coal mining neighborhoods, communities, and towns, the photographers have been attempting to meet with as many contributors to this mining culture as possible. Through these portraits the viewers are able to see into the lives of dozens of individuals across southern Illinois who either worked in the coal industry, or whose brothers, husbands, fathers, or uncles did. Most often, the subjects are part of a long lineage of miners. "Through these portraits, viewers will be able to see the faces and glimpse into the lives of dozens of African-Americans across Southern Illinois wh...

9 Variations Graduate Exhibition

The Visual Arts Gallery at Governors State University will present 9 Variations, a group exhibit of artwork by GSU graduate students in art, from April 4 through April 18. An opening evening reception will be held on April 4, from 6 to 8 p.m. The exhibit and reception are free and open to the public. The exhibit includes a variety of mediums, including digital photography, painting, and sculpture that give viewers a glimpse into real and abstract worlds. Contributing artists include Alonso Balderas, Joe Baltz, Wes Gonzalez, Janice Pratt, Jody Reno, Tim Ryan, Jessica Van Swol, Ben Ward, and Patricia Watkins.

Jennifer Jackson - At the Seam

April 2-9, 2008. Public Reception: Friday, April 4, 6-8 p.m. Utilizing a "toy" camera, alternative photographic processes, and porcelain sculpture, At the Seam investigates iconic funerary art in conjunction with the concepts of time, visual landscape, recognition, and transition. The series taps into the symbol-system embedded within Victorian funerary artifacts. The artifacts are modes of eternal recognition left behind to exemplify lifetime accomplishments, spiritual direction, or to provide solace for the remaining family. Jennifer Jackson was born and raised in the Chicago area and received her Bachelor of Fine Arts, with distinction, in Art Education and Studio Arts from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2003. In 2008, she completed her Masters in Photography at Governors State University, summa cum laude. She is an artist/educator who began her photographic endeavors at a very young age, photographing "the stuff of life" and travels with her family. ...

Alex C

About the artist Alex C. born October 1975 – deceased May or June 1994 (he can't remember the exact date) and again on 24 March 2005 is some sort of awkward container for restless things that don’t fit anywhere. His drawings are not entirely real but not entirely virtual either and are all about nothing more than something else as long as there’s not anything real in the else – if surrealism is based on some sort of reality non-realism is completely opposed to any reality, other than the fact that the only reality is illusion. Stary Night Angry Nude New Land © Alex C.  

Janet Richards

About the author Janet Richards is a poet & journalist living in the Bay of Quinte area of Ontario, Canada. She shares her home with her husband, three daughters, & a changeable number of pets. Janet’s poetry has been published in the anthologies “Brother, My Cup” & “Eyes of the Poet”. She is also a member of the Canada Cuba Literary Alliance. Her first poetry collection “Glass Skin” ( Hidden Brook Press, 2008 ) will be launched May 11, 2008. Camera Shake [The Shooter’s Blues] shutter shudder click one aboriginal activist released from jail two house fires: no injuries three mayors click shutter shudder four architectural features five head shots six Scottish dancers shudder shutter click seven wall of fame inductees eight amusements at the exhibition nine child smiles ten accidents passed plainclothes without camera there is always the pretense it never really happened Becoming acquainted with Laura Laura tells me she used to wear clothes four sizes too big. She wanted t...

Sylvia Silberger

About the Authors When Sylvia and Bill aren't writing, they spend their time conspiring to overthrow the various unscrupulous four-legged furry pet dictators in their lives. Oh, and Sylvia likes to do a little math, teach sometimes, roller blade and bike, too. Sylvia usually publishes under the name Birchwood online, while Bill publishes under the then Burnt_at_both_ends. Godel's Ghost We, the aged fragments of hope, fear, love and loss, on this last tree wait, watching vultures devour their last meal. The desert before us stretches from dreams to desire. Your eyes burn, pierce the horizon, wager its curve. None: there’s no return. Some: we meet ourselves again. … as withered plants wager only on rain. … You wait for Godel’s ghost to recant, I wait for you. © Sylvia Silberger and Bill Larsen 2007 Note: Godel was a logician from the early 20th century. He proved Godel's incompleteness theorem which says that no finite set of axioms is sufficient. That is, given any fin...