Sylvia Silberger

About the Authors
When Sylvia and Bill aren't writing, they spend their time conspiring to overthrow the various unscrupulous four-legged furry pet dictators in their lives. Oh, and Sylvia likes to do a little math, teach sometimes, roller blade and bike, too. Sylvia usually publishes under the name Birchwood online, while Bill publishes under the then Burnt_at_both_ends.

Godel's Ghost

the aged fragments
of hope, fear, love and loss,
on this last tree
watching vultures
devour their last meal.

The desert before us
from dreams to desire.

Your eyes burn,
pierce the horizon,
wager its curve.

there’s no return.

we meet ourselves again.

as withered plants
wager only on rain.

You wait for Godel’s ghost to recant,

I wait
for you.

Note: Godel was a logician from the early 20th century. He proved Godel's incompleteness theorem which says that no finite set of axioms is sufficient. That is, given any finite set of axioms, there is at least one statement that can't be proven true or false.

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