John Greiner

About the Author
John Greiner
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Email John Greiner

Forward Strain

After so many

months of silently


at the ticket

counter counting


I find myself

standing shocked

at the thundering


that my tongue

let slip.

My legs are set in motion. I run towards the book depository at Alexandria not realizing that it was long ago burnt to the ground, and that the scribes and snivelers who once resided there are as lost and lifeless as the beautiful conclusions captured in the ashes.

Standing with

a solitary thought

surrounded by ruins

after so much

time sitting saying

neither this,

nor that

at the entrance

to the mansion

where the mind

shut down

impels my heart

towards a heaven

with gates


and free

of charge.

Spengler on a Toothpick

Flow river

glass broken

tombs monk’s eyes

falling from face

the nation is in

a panic

the world

is a nutshell

is nothing but

a confidence game

played out by

well born bastards

that’s the way

that it is

that it has

always been

I was reading passing ads

in a Mercedes-Benz

when the engine

exploded the driver

wanted to blame

the Germans

but I just had

to laugh there

wasn’t a bug

in the closet

so there wasn’t a way

for us to find

out who was at

fault because we

are a nation of


with broken index fingers

who wait at the gates

before annihilating


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