Making A Mark - The Composition and Design Project

"Do you know how to design a painting?"

"Why study composition and design? Well, although I studied art to advanced level at school, my studies seemed to neglect exploring this important topic area in depth. Similarly, I've tended to find that it's common for many painting workshops and courses to err much more towards teaching techniques relating to particular media and to touch upon composition and design only in passing. When was the last time you saw a workshop which was focused wholly on designing your artwork? Have you noticed how all the books on the art shelves in the bookshops are mostly about painting in a particular medium?"  - Katherine Tyrrell, Artist, London, UK

Ms. Tyrrell's Blog offers numerous resources, including the C and D Project, for those wishing to learn more about the "invisible" structures of visual expression - take a look.

Link Composition and Design - Resources for Artists

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