T.J. Clark, The Andrew Mellon Lectures, National Gallery of Art, 2009

Photo by Anne Wagner, © National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, 2009
"T. J. Clark, renowned art historian and George C. and Helen N. Pardee Chair and professor of the history of art at University of California, Berkeley, will present the Fifty-Eighth A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts series, entitled Picasso and Truth, this spring at the National Gallery of Art in Washington...
...Tracing Picasso's path to the Reina Sofía's Guernica (1937), the lectures will center on a group of Picasso paintings from the 1920s, including Tate Modern's Three Dancers (1925), the Guggenheim Museum's Guitar and Mandolin on a Table (1924), and the Tehran Museum's astonishing Painter and Model (1927). According to Clark, the 1920s were a period when Picasso attempted to revive or exceed the terms of cubism, experimenting with new kinds of space...
...The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts were established by the Board of Trustees of the National Gallery of Art in 1949, ' to bring to the people of the United States the results of the best contemporary thought and scholarship bearing upon the subject of the Fine Arts...' " - National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
Link Listen to the Lectures
Link TJ Clark, Wikipedia
Link NGA Lecture Abstracts Archive 2001 - 2008