“Essence of Us…Beyond Human Consciousness”-Veronica Cook

Friday, September 30-October 5, 2011
Cook uses the world of reality blended with abstract brushwork to portray images of overlapping dreams and emotions. Veronica Cook creates photographic composites and collages. Her work is painted on board and overlaid with strange and familiar photographs that have been cut to create the desired effect. Veronica works with restored and collected family photographs and her collection of 35mm and digital photographs. The final collages have a swirling or circular pattern that draws you to the image evoking a sense of timelessness. These images are depictions of blended and imbedded human activity in constantly changing traditional and popular culture.
Standing before the works of Veronica Cook, the viewer is overcome by mystery and allure. There is a strange sense of “familiarity with the unknown” combined into a journey of the senses; pleasure, pain, light and dark, seen and unseen events.